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Loretto Community

We are Sisters and Co-members who strive to bring the healing spirit of God into our world.

Remembrance of the life of Patricia Ann Winterer Dressler CoL

By Loretto Community / February 23, 2013 /
A woman smiling for a picture on a balcony outdoors in a black cardigan on a sunny day.

September 28, 1936—February 23, 2013

“Charity, generosity, understanding (never judgmental) always anticipating the needs of others before her own, were typical of her personality. I can hear God saying ‘Well done, oh good and faithful servant; now enter into My kingdom.'”

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Mary Jean Tenhaeff SL

By Loretto Community / February 9, 2013 /
A black and white picture of a woman with dark short curly hair smiling brightly wearing a collared shirt and blazer outside of glass doors.

December 24, 1923—February 9, 2013

“The most traumatic change in my “being” began with a decision… to assume responsibility for what was happening in my life and around me, and to confront injustice wherever I found it. This changed my approach to teaching and eventually led to my active role in the civil rights movement: forming a teachers’ association in the Colorado parochial school and negotiating teacher contracts with the Archdiocese.”

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Remembrance of the life of Sister Ellen Thomas Reynolds SL

By Loretto Community / January 11, 2013 /
A nun wearing glasses smiles for a headshot picture with a dark brown background.

September 25, 1914-January 11, 2013

“One of the outstanding memories of my early days in teaching was the Louisville flood of 1932 when we had to leave Broadway in row boats…” The Loretto Community is grateful for Ellen Thomas’ life shared with us and with her beloved students.

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Celebrate Annie Stevens Final Vows — December 5, 2010

By Loretto Community / April 20, 2011 /

Celebrate Annie Stevens Final Vows— December 5, 2010    

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