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Making Movies: Loretto Captures Closings of Three Beloved Locations

By Eleanor Craig SL / June 1, 2018 /
Two women sitting together and conversing on a couch in a living room while being interviewed on camera. The camera viewfinder is visible and one woman is looking directly into the camera.

Using high-flying drones, video and still cameras, interviews, photos and documents from the Loretto Heritage Center, Neil Tucker and I have been making movies about the closings of three well-loved…

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Loretto Recognizes Responsibility to Work With Others to Defer Climate Change in Ohio River Basin

By Joy Jensen SL / June 1, 2018 /
A map of the Ohio River Basin

Editor’s Note: This is the last of the four-part series. The Loretto Motherhouse is situated in the Ohio River Basin. The basin is an area that drains into the Ohio…

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Mary Denis Bruck, Mary Kenneth Lewis Celebrate 75th Jubilee

By Mary Peter Bruce SL / June 1, 2018 /
Two women with short grey hair and wire-framed glasses smiling brightly for a picture while sitting together in dress clothes indoors. They are wearing matching red rose and white flower boutonnières.

April 25 the Loretto Community celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of Mary Denis Bruck and Mary Kenneth Lewis with a Mass and special dinner at the Motherhouse. At dinner in the…

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Loretto Volunteer Program Expands to El Paso

By Mallory Daily / June 1, 2018 /
A woman with short grey hair and black-framed glasses smiling brightly underneath a white sign with black lettering that says: LORETTO on a white building outdoors on a sunny day.

Like many a good story, this one starts with an ice storm in Kentucky. Mary Swain was driving us to the Louisville airport. Claudia Calzetta and I woke early on…

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Loretto Women’s Network Selects Diverse Group for 2018 Mary Rhodes Awardees

By Loretto Community / June 1, 2018 /

By LWN Coordinators Jean East, Anna Koop, Mary Nelson and Karen Wehrman Mary Rhodes was a pioneer who represents the spirit of Loretto, shaping new pathways and extending “the boundaries…

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What’s the Latest with LInc?

By Loretto Community / June 1, 2018 /

By Anna Koop and Maureen O’Connell Loretto Incorporated (LInc) was affirmed at the 2017 Loretto Assembly with the following Mission statement: “We believe it is imperative to carry forward the…

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St. Louis Climate Summit Summary

By Loretto Community / June 1, 2018 /

Beth Blissman attended one day of the three-day St. Louis Climate Summit with Roberta Hudlow. It was an enriching experience filled with academic analysis and fresh, local food. The highlight…

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UN NGO Chronicles Highlights of 2018 Commission on the Status of Women

By Beth Blissman CoL / June 1, 2018 /
Four women smiling together while standing indoors. They are all wearing matching blue lanyards indicating they are at an event.

“Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls” was the priority theme of this year’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW62). The…

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The Sisters of Loretto and the Great Flood of 1937

By Loretto Community / May 24, 2018 /

By Laurel Wilson Sister Nerinckx Blincoe SL, Superior of Loretto High School in Louisville, found herself in a predicament on Saturday, January 23, 1937. The Ohio River was flooding at…

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A Tribute to Nazareth Living Center

By Loretto Community / May 16, 2018 /

It is with mixed emotions that the Loretto Executive Committee announces that on April 1 the sale of Nazareth Hall was finalized. We honor the many years of service by…

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Loretto in Taos

By Eleanor Craig SL / May 10, 2018 /

The late August numbers of the Taos newspapers in 1913 carried the following, in Spanish and in English: GOLDEN JUBILEEThe Sisters of Loretto Spend Half a Century in Taos, New…

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Can Loretto Help Guatemalan Sisters Learn English?

By Mary Ann McGivern SL / May 1, 2018 /
21 diverse women smiling together for a group picture in an outdoor courtyard in front of a yellow building.

The Holy Family sisters in Guatemala have asked Loretto to help them learn English and teach English in their schools. It is a daunting request, and the Guatemala Sister Community…

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