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Loretto Special Needs Committee Awards 11 Grants, Spring 2018

By Sue Rogers SL / May 1, 2018 /
A woman with red-framed glasses smiling brightly for a picture with three young children outdoors.

The Loretto Special Needs Committee awarded 11 social change grants to diverse groups who share in Loretto’s commitment to build a culture of peace and justice and serve its struggling…

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Loretto Co-members Lead Group on Border Journey

By Loretto Community / May 1, 2018 /
Two women wearing sunglasses on a sunny day smiling for a picture in front of a small grocery store.

By Amanda Koehler Schutz Editor’s Note: Amanda Koehler Schutz is a friend of Loretto in Minneapolis. Just days before our “Welcome the Stranger” delegation departed for our U.S./Mexico border trip,…

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Motherhouse Natural Flyway for Neotropical Migratory Birds

By Joy Jensen SL / May 1, 2018 /
A small bird grey bird with a black and white head on a wooden fence post in front of a green field.

Did you ever spot a Kentucky Warbler or a Yellow-breasted Chat? They fly freely in the Loretto Motherhouse forests. They are neotropical migratory birds that are protected under the Migratory…

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Loretto Connects with Cities for CEDAW

By Alice Kitchen / May 1, 2018 /
8 diverse people smiling together for a group picture indoors. They are all wearing dress clothes.

This past March Beth Blissman and I attended the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women gathering in New York. While Beth oversaw 67 Loretto students from some six U.S.…

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Reflections from U.N.: Building Educational Infrastructure for the Commission on the Status of Women

By Loretto Community / May 1, 2018 /
Three women smiling together for a group picture at a social event indoors.

By Kathy Baldwin-Heitman You’re 17. It is your first time in New York City. You have a BIG job to do. Are you prepared? Imagine yourself a junior or senior…

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Our First Registered Nurse

By Loretto Community / April 26, 2018 /

By Katie Santa Ana While the Sisters of Loretto are well known for the hundreds of teachers in their history, many Sisters also chose medical professions. While Sisters of Loretto…

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Agnesetta Reid’s Only Solace

By Loretto Community / April 12, 2018 /

By Laurel Wilson For today’s LOREtto blog post, I’d like to highlight the life of Sister Agnesetta Reid SL, whose personal papers I recently processed in the Archives. Though Agnesetta’s…

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Negotiation of Compacts This Year at United Nations

By Loretto Community / April 1, 2018 /
An ipad, digital screen, and microphone sitting on a desk in front of a notebook with handwritten notes.

By Mary Louise Pabello Editor’s Note: Mary Louise is a returning Loretto Volunteer now working as NGO U.N. Intern/Loretto Community. The Loretto Community has long supported migrants and refugees in…

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A Day of Fun for the LEWP

By Loretto Community / April 1, 2018 /
Six women sitting together and smiling for a picture outdoors in a park.

By Maria Daniel Some of the members of Loretto Empowering Women in Pakistan share a meal of biryani, a rice with veggies and chicken dish, on their outing together with…

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A Secret Garden: The Motherhouse Courtyard Ecosystem

By Joy Jensen SL / April 1, 2018 /
A courtyard with a pond, and a red brick path in front of a red and white brick building.

Editor’s note: Joy has written a series of four articles to inform us about the ecosystem at the Motherhouse. In this issue, we will present the first two. Look for…

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What Are Ecosystem Services?

By Joy Jensen SL / April 1, 2018 /
A green field with small trees freshly planted in a row with large forests in the background with a clear blue sky on a sunny day.

We have read about ecosystems. But what are ecosystem services? The notion was popularized by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment report in 2005, and it is often used in forest management…

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Beef and Climate Change: A Continuum

By Susan Classen CoL / April 1, 2018 /
A tall grass field with black cows grazing on a sunny day.

Does eating beef harm the planet? Many are asking that important question and, like most good questions, there is no clear answer. Think of a continuum ranging from beef choices…

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