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Well Done, Interfaith Voices!

By Loretto Community / November 1, 2016 /

Sept. 24 Interfaith Voices was awarded first place in the radio/podcast category at the annual awards banquet of the Religion News Association. The award was specifically for a story on…

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Stro’s Banners Reflect Message of Border March

By Loretto Community / November 1, 2016 /

A vibrant group of 11 representing Loretto attended the October marches and rallies at the Convergence at the Border of Nogales, Mexico, and Sonora, Ariz. Events took place on both…

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Could Loretto’s Mission Extend to a Woodland Burial Place?

By Loretto Community / November 1, 2016 /
Sunlit woods.

By Cecily Jones Could the desire of some Loretto Community members for a nature (“green”) burial in the Motherhouse woods develop into a new aspect of Loretto’s mission of reaching…

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Money for Mission: When Will We Spend It?

By Mary Ann McGivern SL / November 1, 2016 /

At out Zoom Assembly in September, the Finance Committee asked us how we would like to spend money for mission. There was a splendid array of creative answers, all heartfelt…

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Marian Middle School Answers Question ‘What About the Girls?’

By Barbara Roche SL / October 1, 2016 /
Classroom of young girls using computers with a teacher smiling at the camera.

LCWR, MMS Come Together for Girls Aug. 27 the local St. Louis Area LCWR invited Marian Middle School President Mary Elizabeth Grimes to make a presentation at its annual workshop…

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George McShea Fits Well Into Loretto

By Loretto Community / October 1, 2016 /
Joyful pastor headshot.

George McShea is not new to Loretto. That, however, is common among new co-members. Friends, relatives and co-workers are drawn to Loretto. In George’s case, he is the husband of…

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Review of ‘Never Can I Write of Damascus: When Syria Became Our Home’

By Loretto Community / October 1, 2016 /
book cover

By Cecily Jones The main title of Theresa Kubasak and Gabe Huck’s book, Never Can I Write of Damascus: When Syria Became Our Home, is the opening line of a…

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Maryam: A Self-Portrait

By Loretto Community / October 1, 2016 /
An etched black and white line work self portrait.

By Theresa Kubasak Maryam is a talented young woman from Syria who was very active at the Ad Dar Center where I volunteered in Istanbul. Maryam made this self- portrait…

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LEN Retreat — Saving the Planet Bit by Bit

By Loretto Community / October 1, 2016 /
Women working and conversing together across a table for registration.

By Cathy Hartrich (Editor’s Note: Cathy Hartrich is a member of Loretto Circle, St. Louis, and serves as chairwoman of the theology department at Nerinx Hall High School.) What an…

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Mary Ann Lovett Conquers ‘No-Loretto Land’

By Loretto Community / October 1, 2016 /

Readers of Interchange and Loretto announcements and those who check the committee member lists in the Loretto Directory know Mary Ann Lovett. As she puts it, when she decided to…

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Commonweal Publishes Tribute to Ann Manganaro

By Loretto Community / October 1, 2016 /

In the September issue of Commonweal, Kathleen DeSutter Jordan has written a moving portrait of Ann Manganaro, a Sister of Loretto and a physician who lived and worked in El…

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Surprised by Beauty

By Roberta Hudlow SL / September 1, 2016 /
Green Park and Pond on University Campus with ducks.

There is a soft spot of ecological and low-tech beauty behind Webster University’s multiple-rise parking garage on Garden Avenue. It is a low marshy area that planners at the university…

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