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The evolution of a thriving school

By Vicki Schwartz SL / April 25, 2022 /
Two boys, one white, one Black, wearing school uniforms, stand with arms around each other's shoulders.

Escuela de Guadalupe’s mission is “to support and uplift the global community, our families and our students by offering an education that integrates Spanish and English biliteracy, Catholic values and…

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Loretto Responds to the Gospel Call for 210 Years: One Journey to Everywhere

By Loretto Community / April 25, 2022 /
Pencil drawing of a covered buggy with three passengers in it, with the text "2022 Pakistan. One Journey To Everywhere."

Followers of Jesus have responsibilities, and if they are smart they never do them alone. Loretto has been graced by God to become a community on pilgrimage. We have walked…

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Dorothy Day and Loretto

By Loretto Community / April 24, 2022 /
An older woman, with a cane propped behind her, stacks pebbles on the log on which she sits, while the toddler next to her watches.

By Kathleen DeSutter Jordan Perhaps the deepest and most inspiring connection between Loretto and the Catholic Worker was the profound respect and deep friendship between Dorothy and Mary Luke. Kathleen…

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Imagine a new future

By JoAnn Gates / April 24, 2022 /

By JoAnn Gates CoL and Cathy Mueller SL What lens can we find together to imagine and to work our way into a hopeful, peaceful future? Elaine Prevallet SL Sister…

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Slaveholding in Loretto’s history: Honoring the sacredness of human dignity

By Loretto Community / April 23, 2022 /
A Black man, looking directly at the camera, stands shoulder to shoulder with a Black woman, whose eyes are closed. The photo has been made to look old, with the words "don't forget me, benna" overlaid in small text on the woman.

We gathered in our home church to see and hear with our hearts a tragic reality about our homeplace, that these grounds have been a place of wounding for many…

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Escuela de Guadalupe: Looking toward a bright future

By Loretto Community / April 23, 2022 /

By the time the children reach fourth grade, they are bilingual, and by the time they reach sixth grade, they are fully biliterate. When I think of Escuela de Guadalupe,…

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Humility: A virtue for all and for all seasons

By Nasreen Daniel SL / April 23, 2022 /
Young Pakistani women stand at their desks during a Christmas performance.

At school in Pakistan children learn lessons in kindness and generosity ‘Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.’ Colossians…

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Read the latest issue of the Loretto Circle Newsletter – 4/20/2022

By Loretto Community / April 22, 2022 /
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In the Service of Life: Loretto Celebrates Earth

By Loretto Community / April 18, 2022 /
A peaceful spring landscape of yellow and white daffodils growing in the foreground, with trees surrounding a pond in the background.

Life is not a highway strewn with flowers,Still it holds a goodly share of bliss,When the sun gives way to April showers,Here’s a thought that we should never miss:Though April…

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Where Are You Standing this Holy Week?

By Loretto Community / April 11, 2022 /
Woden crucifix with two palms crossed behind Christ

On Palm Sunday, Jesus enters Jerusalem on a colt, not with spears hoisted against him, but with palm branches waving; not with soldiers accompanying him, but with crowds chanting “Hosanna…

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Praying for Ukraine

By Mary Margaret Murphy SL / April 11, 2022 /

As members of the Loretto Community, we stand at the foot of the cross with the suffering people of Ukraine. In our individual, unique way may we be united in offering our collective prayers, sacrifices and sufferings…

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Vatican official speaks to event hosted by LGBT outreach group New Ways Ministry

By Loretto Community / April 6, 2022 /

Published by National Catholic Reporter on April 6, 2022 “Xavière Missionary Sr. Nathalie Becquart, the undersecretary of the Vatican’s Synod of Bishops office, addressed an April 3 online gathering organized…

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