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Loretto Emphasizes the ‘Passion’ in Compassion

By Loretto Community / March 22, 2020 /

In the word “compassion,” Loretto places the core emphasis on “passion,” where we center our lives and work. We all ask where is God when suffering happens.  No answer comes…

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Reflections from the House of Loretto – March 19, 2020

By Maureen McCormack SL / March 19, 2020 /

Spring brings hope. Hope based in reality can fertilize the barren tree. Then perhaps it will bear fruit. I am unfolding toward my destiny even when I am not aware…

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Finding Sister Ann Elizabeth

By Loretto Heritage Center / March 19, 2020 /

By Roger Goose, Guest Contributor to the LOREtto Blog It’s a bright sunny day in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It’s June 2018, the 21st as I remember, and I am…

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Motherhouse Farm guided by Loretto’s desire to live in responsible relationship with the land and with all life

By Loretto Community / March 16, 2020 /

We seek to live humbly on land made good by its Creator.  We accept the privilege to live in responsible relationship with the land and with all of life.  We…

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By Loretto Community / March 15, 2020 /

Controlled Burning Part of our Conservation Reserve acres are planted in native warm season grasses that thrive in the summer months, providing great habitat for many types of wildlife and…

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Loretto Supports U.N. Endeavors Raising Up Women and Children

By Loretto Community / March 8, 2020 /

Loretto continues its longtime tradition of involvement in advancing the rights of women and girls through its work at the United Nations. This week Loretto at the UN was to…

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‘A Yes for Humanity: One Step Closer to Nuclear Disarmament’

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2020 /

“It is up to us to see that the world still stands. May the time be not distant when nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they…

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Earth’s Gratitude

By Jessie Rathburn CoL / March 1, 2020 /
An illustrated poster of a green landscape, with a blue lake, a full rainbow, and a blue sky with white fluffy clouds. The text in the sky says: Care for our mother Earth. In the rainbow, the text says

‘Am I living in a way that Earth would be grateful for me?’ This is the question I was faced with recently after reading a Robin Wall Kimmerer article on…

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What is Emerging?

By Mary Ellen McElroy SL / March 1, 2020 /
Pink and purple butterfly graphic for Interchange What is Emerging?

You may recall in the Advent Reflection 2019 booklet which was inspired by “A Vision for the Future of Religious Life” by Sr. Teresa Maya CCVI, the fourth week was…

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A First-hand Report From Wuhan

By Anna Koop SL / March 1, 2020 /
A religious vow ceremony crowd standing inside a church. Mostly nuns, with some men wearing white button-up shirts they're all reading white paper booklets.

(Editor’s Note: Anna Koop shares with Interchange the following background and letter from Sr. Clara Zhang who lives in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, where the new Coronavirus was first discovered…

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Co-membership: Forging a singular path for 50 years

By Loretto Community / February 28, 2020 /
Four co-members stand together at a Loretto Assembly

Co-membership began as a means for those who were deeply connected to Loretto to have an alternative, non-canonical way of formally belonging to the Community. Lisa Reynolds CoL In my…

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Newest co-members bring a spirit of service, share in spirituality & enrich community ties

By Loretto Community / February 28, 2020 /

Earna Rae Volk Accepted as a co-member on March 17, 2019 Earna fell in love with the Sisters of Loretto as soon as she stepped foot on the grounds of…

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