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Sally Maresh Proclaims ‘Oh Happy Day!’

By Loretto Community / October 1, 2019 /
Six women smiling together for a group picture outdoors on a sunny day in front of large leafy green trees.

Remarks from Lisa Reynolds, Mary Ellen McElroy and Sally Maresh Lisa Reynolds introduced Sally Maresh at her celebration on Aug. 24 by saying, in part, “In my role as the…

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Getting to Know Jane Wilson, 25 Years a Co-member

By Elaine Prevallet SL / October 1, 2019 /
A woman, Jane Wilson with shoulder-length light-colored hair and round wire-framed glasses smiling brightly for a selfie picture indoors.

 I met Jane Wilson in the 70s when I went to live in community and teach at Pendle Hill, a Quaker adult learning/living community in Pennsylvania. I taught (actually shared…

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Donna Doyle Chats About Her 25 Years as a Loretto Co-member

By Martha Alderson CoL / October 1, 2019 /
A woman, Donna Doyle, with short grey hair pulled back and dark-framed glasses wearing a plaid grey suit with a bright red bowtie. She is smiling for a picture at an indoor social event.

(Editor’s Note: Material obtained from telephone conversation between Martha Alderson and Donna Doyle) Born in Mobile, Ala., Donna Doyle still has Mobile in her speech pattern after all these years.…

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Loretto Link Thanks Transition Board, Elects New Board at August Gathering

By Martha Crawley CoL / October 1, 2019 /
Black and white Loretto Link logo. Three large trees intertwined at the roots and branches.

One of the first orders of business of the Loretto Link gathering was to applaud the outgoing transitional board:  Libby Comeaux, Eileen Custy, Sally Dunne, Kim Klein, Karen Knoll, Anna…

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Co-Member Lillian Moskeland Celebrates Silver Jubilee

By Mary Peter Bruce SL / October 1, 2019 /
A woman, Lillian Moskeland, with shirt white hair, gold hoop earrings, and a red shirt smiling brightly for a portrait picture with a plain white background.

Twenty-five years ago Lillian Bruce Moskeland decided to become part of the Loretto family. She and I then had one more life adventure to add to our ever-growing friendship and sisterhood.…

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Connections Across Time and Place

By Cathy Mueller SL / October 1, 2019 /
Two women, Cathy Mueller and Claire Skyes, smiling brightly together for a picture indoors aat a social event. They are both wearing dress clothes, one woman has short brown hair and the other has short grey hair and glasses.

This past May when I attended the meeting of the Union of International Superiors General (UISG) in Rome, I was at the table with Claire Sykes, a Faithful Companion of…

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Loretto Makes Progress on Raising Wages

By Alice Kitchen / October 1, 2019 /
Black and white logo of the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. The logo is a black silhouette of a group of protestors.

As a follow up to our Assembly Proposal 7 to raise the wages of our employees, our Community Group 16 decided to take the next step.  First, we celebrated the…

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Peter Urban Celebrates 90 Years!

By Ruth Routten CoL / October 1, 2019 /
Four women standing and smiling surrounding a man in a wheelchair for a group picture. They are all wearing dress clothes, it is the man in the center's 90th birthday.

At Peter Urban’s 90th birthday party, Loretto members and many Latino folks celebrated. A Mariachi band played to the delight of Father Peter. The St. Anthony parishioners prepared an extensive…

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Loretto’s Shortest Mission

By Loretto Heritage Center / September 18, 2019 /
Belen, NM Flour mill in 1904. Horses, carts and workers in front of the mill.

By Ayla Toussaint The first part of this blog post was written for us by Loretto’s second archivist, Sister Matilda Barrett!  Found in the archives vault, this short chapter recounts…

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Patricia Jean (PJ) Manion SL

By Eleanor Craig SL / September 12, 2019 /
A woman with short, white hair and round, wire glasses smiling brightly for a headshot picture wearing a purple turtleneck, and a salmon colored sweater outdoors.

This remembrance is just a little bit shorter than PJ’s long life. I could blame the length on PJ, who insisted on living life to the full. I certainly did…

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Mission Activities Team Shares Challenges and Aligns Goals

By Eileen Harrington CoL / September 1, 2019 /
Colorful artwork with the text "We work for justice and act for ..." Art by Bob Strobridge.

The Loretto Mission Activities Team represents the Community committees, networks and some offices. They met at the Motherhouse to share their work and develop strategies to do it better. They…

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Denise Ann Clifford’s Journey – from Teacher/Administrator to Community Life Coordinator

By Vicki Schwartz SL / September 1, 2019 /

“I’ve loved ‘learning the art’ of fundraising and connecting with our many generous friends and supporters,” says Denise Ann Clifford, as she completes 23 years as Loretto’s Director of Development…

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