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Link Considers Structure and Spirituality

By Martha Crawley CoL / September 1, 2019 /
Black and white Loretto Link logo. Three large trees intertwined at the roots and branches. Around the logo is circular text: Loretto Link Forever Connected Past Present Future

Mary Ann McGivern opened the first day of the August Loretto Link gathering relating a story from her novitiate days that taught her that solemn times can include the delight…

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Holy Family Holds Elections

By Loretto Community / September 1, 2019 /

Dema Alfaro, Lucina Mansilla, Dora Garcia and Albina Gaspar were elected to the Holy Family General Council. Loretto sends its prayers and congratulations to these fine women.

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Retreat Centers and Transformational Change

By Susan Classen CoL / September 1, 2019 /
A large group photo of diverse individuals standing outdoors in front of large green trees.

How do retreat centers support transformational change? I was among the diverse group of retreat center directors and social movement leaders invited to discuss that question during a three-day meeting…

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Paulette Peterson ‘Finally’ Celebrates a Jubilee

By Cathy Mueller SL / September 1, 2019 /
A woman, Paulette Peterson, with long curly brown hair and big earrings wearing a blue collared shirt smiling brightly for a headshot picture with a plain green background.

Paulette Peterson’s description of her time with Loretto is one of invitation. As a student at Webster College, she was invited by Therese Stawowy to live at Mullanphy House where…

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Loretto Celebrates Earna Volk’s Co-Membership Commitment

By Sister Anndavid Naeger SL / September 1, 2019 /
Three women conversing at a wooden podium with a microphone indoors in front of a white brick wall. They are exchanging papers in hand too.

The sunshine-yellow of a large field of mustard plants was the flowing theme of the co-membership commitment ceremony of Earna Rae Volk on June 15.  “As soon as I heard…

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Erica Stewart Joins the Volunteer Coordinator Team

By Loretto Community / September 1, 2019 /
A woman, Erica Stewart, with long brown hair, black-framed glasses, and a bright orange rain coat smiling brightly while crouching down next to her black lab dog on a walk in front of a big body of water on a gloomy autumn day.

Meet Erica Stewart, our new Assistant Loretto Volunteer Coordinator in Denver! Erica’s pronouns are she/her. She recently moved to Colorado and is thrilled to start a new adventure accompanying Loretto Volunteers…

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Loretto Sisters Host Discernment Retreat in Lahore

By Nasreen Daniel SL / September 1, 2019 /
Nine women sitting together enjoying a meal at cafeteria-style benches and tables indoors on a sunny day.

Six young women from outside Lahore and ten teachers from our school joined the Loretto sisters for a three-day discernment retreat. The first day began with these questions: Why am…

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Pakistan Sisters Share Vegetables, Love Through Garden Bounty

By Nasreen Daniel SL / September 1, 2019 /
Two women smiling while preoccupied with harvesting leafy greens in an outdoor garden on a sunny day.

Every year we grow different vegetables and share them with our neighbors. Last year when I was at the Motherhouse, Nancy Wittwer very generously offered to help me to buy…

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Loretto Follows the Santa Fe Trail

By Carole Eschen SL / September 1, 2019 /
A map of the Santa Fe National Historic Trail

Eleanor Craig has been heard to say that, “a few minutes of misery can provide a lifetime of great stories.” The trip following the Santa Fe Trail that 11 of…

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What is Emerging?

By Loretto Community / September 1, 2019 /
Pink and purple butterfly graphic for Interchange What is Emerging?

lIia Delio muses on the future of religious life: “I anticipate religious life in the 21st century will be more provisional and local than institutional and permanent. … What form will this…

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Loretto Learns about Gender Identity

By Eileen Harrington CoL / September 1, 2019 /
Colorful artwork with the text "We work for justice and act for ..." Art by Bob Strobridge.

We aspire to be inclusive. We work for justice. Today, these core Loretto values call us to develop an understanding about gender identity as an element of individual identity. For…

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The Leadership Collaborative: Offering a Way Forward

By Lisa Reynolds CoL / September 1, 2019 /
A large group photo on the front stairs of a building. The woman in the center of the first row is holding a poster board with the conference logo.

As a participant in LCWR’s Collaborative Leadership Development Program (CLDP) in 2013-2014, I recently was invited to attend this year’s Leadership Collaborative Biennial Conference in Chicago as a participant on…

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Cupola Cross 2-Icon

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