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Motherhouse Entices Monarch Butterflies

By Susan Classen CoL / July 1, 2019 /
A green field farm landscape picture with a brown wooden fence and large trees in the background.

The food supply for monarch butterflies received a boost at the Motherhouse in May with the planting of 4 acres of milkweed and other plants favored by pollinators. Last fall,…

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Mother Nature Creates Her Own Art From Jeanne Dueber’s ‘Protected Community’

By Debra Kehl CoL / July 1, 2019 /
A large wooden tree trunk surrounded by lush green trees on a sunny day.

As you enter the Loretto Motherhouse grounds, glance to the left of the road and you will see a carved tree trunk titled “Protected Community” sculpted by Jeanne Dueber in…

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Processing Refugees at Annunciation House Locations

By Rosemary Casey CoL / July 1, 2019 /
Two women smiling for a selfie picture outdoors on a sunny day.

Refugees arrive at one of 10 Annunciation House (AH) sites in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) buses from the El Paso detention center. Ours was the Soluna Hotel. AH would…

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Personal Reflections on a Week of Service in El Paso

By Rosemary Casey CoL / July 1, 2019 /
A woman wearing a sun hat, black-framed glasses, and a tropical patterned button-up shirt smiling for a picture outdoors in the desert on a sunny day.

 I spent a week in El Paso helping with the humanitarian crisis of Central American refugees being released from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention. Living in Hawaii, I felt…

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Denver Hosts Leadership-Diversity Workshop

By Sally Maresh CoL / July 1, 2019 /
Two women standing together and smiling for a picture together in a bright room.

Since the Denver Center closed, Loretto has held a variety of opportunities for community gatherings. May 18 we gathered at Havern to hear Jean East ask us to realize that…

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Mother’s Day at Louisville Greyhound Station Gift of Welcome and Reunion

By Catherine (Kitty) Madden CoL / July 1, 2019 /
Passengers dressed in warm winter gear leave the building through glass doors.

As she walked toward me in the middle of the bus station, the first thing I noticed was the long bright red sweater pulled down tightly over her very pregnant…

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Loretto Awards Spring Round of Ministry Grants

By Barbara Roche SL / July 1, 2019 /

At Assembly 2018, Loretto approved a resolution making “$100,000 … available … in 2019 and again in 2020 and 2021 for access by Loretto Community members, vowed and co, to…

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Loretto Welcomes New Motherhouse Service Coordinator

By Mary Ann McGivern SL / July 1, 2019 /
Two women and a man smiling together for a group picture at a social event. The women are wearing dresses, the man is wearing a collared shirt.

There’s something new at the Motherhouse. Anthony Mary Sartorius is getting to retire at last after two-and-a-half terms as service coordinator. After extensive searching for a person to take on…

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Welcome to Our Newest Co-Member, Leslee Moore!

By Lisa Reynolds CoL / July 1, 2019 /
A woman with short white hair and black-framed glasses smiling brightly for a headshot picture wearing a pink striped blouse and a black cardigan.

Leslee Moore was accepted as a co-member on June 9. She and her husband live in Lexington, Ky., and she is a familiar visitor at the Loretto Motherhouse on Sundays…

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Embracing All the Colors of Summer Solstice

By Loretto Earth Network (LEN) / June 20, 2019 /

21 June 2019 RITUAL PREPARATION: Decorate the ritual meeting place with the Summer Solstice colors of yellow, green and blue. These colors represent a festival of community sharing and planetary…

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Mary Ann (formerly Sister Charles Loretto) Coyle SL

By Eleanor Craig SL / June 15, 2019 /
A woman with short brown hair and round wire glasses smiling brightly for a headshot picture outdoors on a sunny day in front of greenery while wearing silver stud earrings and a navy blue blouse.

            Mary Ann Coyle was born in Des Moines, Iowa on Nov. 1, 1925.  Her parents were Charles L. Coyle and Loretta Teatum Coyle, both Catholic and lifetime residents of…

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Kay DeMarea Celebrates Her 70th Jubilee

By Loretto Community / June 10, 2019 /

Kay DeMarea celebrated her 70th Jubilee April 25 at Loretto Motherhouse in Nerinx, Ky. She was joined by her housemate and friend, Suzanne Reasbeck. They both enjoyed the delicious celebration…

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