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Black History Month: Memories and Action

By Lillian Moskeland CoL / March 1, 2019 /
A Black History Month graphic poster of four different colored hands touching finger tips in the center with a multi-colored background.

Black History Month was celebrated in the United States throughout the month of February. It is a month for discussions, acknowledging the work of today, events and remembrance of those…

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‘White’ Christmas 2018

By Marie Ego SL / March 1, 2019 /
A Greyhound bus station waiting room with numerous people sitting and waiting for their bus.

For some time now Loretto Community members from the Motherhouse and Louisville have been meeting the 3 p.m. “Sunday Bus” that comes from Texas with immigrants who are going to…

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Social Media Campaign to Highlight Sisters’ Ministries

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2019 /
Nine individuals standing together for a group picture indoors.

Irma Avila will be among those featured in a social media campaign celebrating the myriad ways women religious and their supporters stand up for social justice in our communities. The…

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Giving to Good Cause

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2019 /

Note from Alicia Ramirez: I attended the Washington County Democratic Women’s Club Jan. 19 and, as it was ending, the women asked if I could tell them about my upcoming…

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A Picture Speaks Volumes!

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2019 /
13 individuals wearing business clothes smiling together for a group picture on the outdoor front steps of a building.

March 16 Nasreen Daniel and other representatives of the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) in Pakistan will convene for its annual meeting. Nasreen, the only woman on the NCEC, is…

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Loretto Academy Hosts Annual Nun Run

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2019 /
Two nuns and a man and woman wearing neon yellow shirt, white baseball caps, and sunglasses smiling together for a group picture outdoors while holding a large white sign with black lettering that says: Welcome to Nun Run!

The senior class at Loretto Academy in El Paso sponsored the Nun Run Feb. 2. The Nun Run has become an annual event to raise money for the Loretto Pakistan…

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Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2019 /

In various parts of the country with a Loretto presence, Loretto members celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Some sent photos, and others sent in reports of how they observed…

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SMA Alumna Reflects on Volunteer Service at El Paso Shelter for Immigrants

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2019 /
A woman standing outdoors, wearing a yellow jacket, light-colored jacket, a denim mini skirt, and black leggings smiling brightly in front of turquoise double doors with large circular door knockers on each door.

By Isabel Forward On the ride home, as I smelled vaguely of vomit, I thought of the many ways these families had suffered  during their time here – so much…

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Sister Athanasius and the Spirited Wathens

By Loretto Community / February 28, 2019 /

Sometime around 1960, Sister Jean Paul Steube, a Loretto novice, wrote a colorful biography of Sister Mary Athanasius Wathen. In that piece, she shared many delightful stories of Sister Athanasius’s…

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Loretto Heights College Comes Alive With the Sound of Music

By Mary Nelle Gage SL / February 1, 2019 /
A choir sings in a two-story church chapel with a center organ. Many singers are wearing large coats and winter attire.

Loretto Heights College (LHC) campus, comprising just over 70 acres, was sold July 2018 by Teikyo-Colorado Heights to Westside Investment Partners. The cemetery was included in the sale. Among the…

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Our Loretto Motherhouse Farm Is an Ecosystem of Its Own

By Joy Jensen SL / February 1, 2019 /
A meadow with black cows surrounded by leafless trees on a cloudy day.

Did you know that our Loretto Motherhouse farm is an ecosystem? Remember that an ecosystem is made up of living and non-living things that interact and exchange energy. A farm…

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‘Have Only One Heart, One Soul, One Mind’

By Donna Day SL / February 1, 2019 /
Four women sitting in chairs in a row with seven women standing behind them all smiling together for a group picture indoors.

‘Have only one heart, one soul, one mind.’ Words of Father Charles Nerinckx Dec. 8, 2018, was a special feast day at the Loretto Motherhouse and for Loretto members everywhere.…

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