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Our Journey to Father Nerincks’x Roots

By Karel Disponett CoL / December 1, 2018 /
Seven individuals were pictured candidly in front of a plaque on a red brick building on an overcast day.

The parish in Belgium where Father Charles Nerinckx was born recognized his life by unveiling a plaque in his honor. They invited Loretto to participate, and so one Monday evening…

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Recovery as a Way of Life

By Loretto Community / December 1, 2018 /
A nun wearing a blue dress and headdress displaying a destroyed building following an earthquake.

By Barbara Wander “Oh no! Not again.” This was my immediate reaction when I found out that another earthquake had hit Haiti the night of Oct. 6. I had been…

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Nasreen Daniel Offers Thanks from Pakistan to Loretto Schools

By Nasreen Daniel SL / December 1, 2018 /
A woman teaching children sitting on the floor in a classroom.

It had always been my desire to visit our Loretto schools in the United States and thank each person personally for their sensitivity to the needs of those who are…

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Providing Health Care In Uganda

By Loretto Community / December 1, 2018 /
A young girl orphan who is malnourished with medical supplies and tubes taped to her chest. She is standing tall and smiling brightly.

By Mary Ann Gleason Her name is Juliette. She is a 14-year-old orphan, malnourished secondary to vomiting whatever she eats or drinks because of a stricture in her esophagus. She…

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Loretto Delegation Turns Out for 2018 SOA Border Encuentro

By Eileen Harrington CoL / December 1, 2018 /
Protestors smiling for a picture at the U.S.-Mexico border. The protestors have bright signs and are wearing sunglasses.

What does it look like when we as the Loretto Community adopt a resolution, as we did at our 2017 Assembly, prioritizing and committing ourselves to immigration justice? • We…

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Nuns on the Bus

By Anna Koop SL / December 1, 2018 /
Four women standing at a craft table at a social event pictured candidly.

At 9 a.m. on Sept. 15 (the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows) a gaggle of folks including Pat McCormick, Joan Spero, Martha Crawley, Cathy Mueller and I rallied outside…

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Karel Disponett Celebrates Co-membership

By Sister Anndavid Naeger SL / December 1, 2018 /
A man and a woman wearing dress clothes smiling for a picture together indoors while standing next to a pot of bright yellow and red flowers.

The dawning sun sent rays to color the stratus clouds in the wake of its coming. We walked out into a crisp 46-degree morning into a day that would contain…

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‘Closet Lady’ Serves Asylum Seekers at Loretto’s Former Nazareth Center in El Paso

By Claudia Calzetta SL / November 30, 2018 /

When I read the November announcement from Loretto President Pearl McGivney that there was an urgent need for volunteers in El Paso, Texas, I decided to respond and make myself…

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Courage in Conflict

By Loretto Community / November 21, 2018 /

The booklet “Courage in Conflict: The Righteous Among Us” was created by the St. Louis Archdiocese’s Office of Consecrated Life. It was distributed at the Nov. 14 presentation on the…

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Which Way to the Novitiate?

By Eleanor Craig SL / November 16, 2018 /

On the grounds of Loretto Motherhouse, in an area of central Kentucky which is today still quite rural, two imposing brick buildings stand as witnesses to more than 175 years…

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What is Emerging?/Emerging Mission

By Susan Classen CoL / November 1, 2018 /
Tall leafy trees in a shady forest.

(Editor’s Note: Part 1: A reflection at the one-year anniversary of the Nov. 4, 2017, vow celebration.) JoAnn Gates and I recently visited Natural Bridge State Park in Kentucky where…

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Nerinx Hall Celebrates Shared Past and Deeply-linked Future with Loretto

By Annie Stevens CoL / November 1, 2018 /
Five women standing in front of a high school gym with small white gift bags with bright green tissue paper in their hands.

On the 257th birthday of Charles Nerinckx, Oct. 2 of this year, the St. Louis Loretto Community and more than 600 students and faculty of Nerinx Hall gathered to celebrate…

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