Home » Features » FST sisters find joy in service

FST sisters find joy in service

Posted on June 24, 2024, by Loretto Community

With thanks to FST Sister Frances Emily Owusu-Ansah CoL, Ph.D.

Ghanian religious sisters are shown packing up a silver Toyota truck bed with supplies in order to serve the rural poor in the area.
FST sisters prepare to set out to serve the rural poor in Ghana. Photo courtesy of FST Sister Frances Emily Owusu-Ansah CoL

One of the important ways the Sisters of the Daughters of the Most Holy Trinity spread God’s love is through the Rural Ministry. They travel to remote villages to share education on important topics like preparing nutritious meals; they provide religious support; and they bring donated clothing, food and other necessities to people who need them.

FST Sister Frances Emily Owusu-Ansah CoL writes, “All the villages are remote, although some are farther than others, and the roads are decrepit from lack of proper maintenance, or they are simply poor untarred roads that are worsened with heavy rainfalls, making it dangerous to travel. Many of the roads cannot be traveled without a truck or four-wheel drive car because they are dotted with numerous large potholes. Yet, none of these challenges deters our sisters. They sit at the back of the pickup truck and journey joyfully to share the Word of God with the people and to share the donated items.

An FST sister and a postulant prepare to distribute clothing in rural Ghana. Photo courtesy of FST Sister Frances Emily Owusu-Ansah CoL

“All sisters, regardless of our primary apostolate, participate in Rural Ministry Sundays, which are undertaken at least every quarter. This way, united as a family, we share this ministry together. We also involve our younger sisters who are under formation (postulants and novices) in this special ministry. Active participation in the Rural Ministry is important to us as an institute because we consider it to be core to our establishment as a community for the rural poor. This ministry, although challenging, is a very fulfilling experience for us as FST sisters and for the people too. For us it provides the opportunity to share God’s love that brings us joy. The people we visit often tell us that they are encouraged in their Christian journey to know that there are others who think about them and care enough to visit them despite the extreme difficulties in getting to their villages. It is a win-win! And God is glorified!”

Left, young Ghanaian religious sisters and a postulant (without the veil) smile for the camera.
Young FST sisters and a postulant (without the veil) smile for the camera.
Photo courtesy of FST Sister Frances Emily Owusu-Ansah CoL

To read all the articles in the Spring/Summer 2024 issue of Loretto Magazine, click here.


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