Home » Features » Global Village Children’s Project receives Carbon Reduction Fund grant

Global Village Children’s Project receives Carbon Reduction Fund grant

Posted on June 1, 2024, by Joy Jensen SL

The Loretto Community Carbon Reduction Fund granted $800 to the Global Village Children’s Project in Uganda in 2023. The Project had tapped a Nile River tributary, which never dries up, to irrigate cropland to grow maize. At harvest time, if they are lucky, there is enough maize to feed the children and neighbors in need. The components of the irrigation equipment were stored during the rainy season. Unfortunately, the components were vulnerable to rats that chewed through them. The $800 grant helped the Project replace the damaged irrigation equipment components. As board member Christopher Gruener wrote to the Carbon Reduction Fund committee, “I trust my words here … will adequately communicate both the depth of our appreciation and the impact of your generosity on the young people we seek to serve.”


Joy Jensen SL

Joy is a vowed member, and she resides in the Motherhouse infirmary. Previously, Joy was a community organizer in St. Louis at St. Alphonsus Liguori “The Rock” Church, a historic Catholic church with a predominately African-American faith community. She also did some teaching at St. Louis University after receiving her doctorate. She enjoys reading American history and spy thrillers. Joy also enjoys knitting.
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