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Mary Beth “Buffy” Boesen SL, President

Posted on September 16, 2024, by Loretto Community

Mary Beth “Buffy” Boesen SL

One of the first things people ask when I meet them is “Is Buffy your real name?” The answer is long but I repeat it willingly and happily because I welcome the inquisitive minds of those who only know “Buffy and Jody and Mr. French”  or “Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.” I was named Mary Elizabeth. There were many Elizabeths in our family, so they added the Mary and called me Mary Beth to distinguish me from the Bettys, Beths and Lizs in the family. However, as the second oldest grandchild, we gathered with my only cousin – 13 months older – every Sunday evening. As he started speaking he was encouraged to greet me. He would say “Baby Buff.” I was Baby Buff until I was 5. They dropped the Baby and I became Buffy. In all 12 years of Catholic education by the Sisters of Mercy and BVMs, the sisters would never call me Buffy – only Mary Beth. So call me what you want.

As I grew older my nuclear family grew to eight children, a grandma and mom and dad. In my life growing up we lived in three houses. I remember only two of them, but know where the first one is located. Until I was 15 we lived six houses down the street from the church and school. We spent a lot of time there. I was happy; didn’t have to worry about much. On Sundays dad would take a bunch of us to the flower shop to “water” the flowers. As I grew older, I suspect it was to give mom a break from as many as he took. At a pretty early age all of us worked in the flower business. We would transplant the seedlings at the greenhouse, make backings out of tulle for corsages, then make the corsages or arrangements, take orders, prepare orders for delivery. When it was really busy we would take orders and make sure we got it right. It was a great way to live in the ‘50s and ‘60s.

I was never a great student, but never the worst. I rather liked school, as evidenced by the master’s in English, but left that program before I finished the thesis because I realized that the academic courses were not going to make me a better teacher, fun as it was. I then got a master’s in learning disabilities and emotionally disturbed education at the University of Northern Colorado. I met the Sisters of Loretto there: Mary Jane Hummel and Marie Ego. They didn’t have a car, and my friend and I didn’t have much money, so we drove them about, and we shared a beer with them now and then. So here I am.

I happily taught in Grand Junction, Colo., for a few years. It was an exciting time since it was the first time since the acknowledgement by the federal government that some kids learned differently. I loved and still do love middle school kids – especially those with average intelligence who learned differently and finally were identified as smart but had difficulty expressing all they knew. 

I finally moved to the Loretto Motherhouse in 1977 and taught a year at St. Charles Junior High and formally was accepted into membership in 1978. I moved to Colorado for my canonical year and stayed living there with Mary Ann Coyle, Mary Ann Cunningham and the many others who joined us for a year or so throughout the 22 years I lived there. While in Denver I taught in the Littleton Public Schools – again special ed, but learned so much more than I taught. 

We had a great time. I became aware of many different ways to act for justice. We protested at Rocky Flats (Mary Ann Cunningham and others were arrested), Colorado State Sen. Bill Armstrong’s office  (SMAC – i.e., Mary Ann Cunningham – and I were arrested and acquitted on “choice of evils defense.”) I was supported by the Community as I walked on the Great Peace March from Los Angeles to D.C. from March to November 1986. 

This is probably more than anyone in his or her right mind would ever want to know, but I will go on. When I returned from the march I worked for a year or so in the membership program. However, I went back to teaching. The urge returned to go back to school, so I was blessed with two years in the Masters in Social Work Program at Denver University. It was wonderful. I learned community organizing and went on to work with women living in poverty and receiving public assistance. They worked on many policy changes at both the local and state level to improve their own lives and the lives of others. This is another work I loved. However, in the spring of 2000, Mary Ann Coyle asked me if I would apply for a year as Interim President of Loretto Academy in El Paso, Texas. I had been given so much by the Community, I could not say no – besides I was sure someone else was better suited. Much to my surprise, I was selected for the year. However, I loved this so much – the students were so wonderful, the culture so rich – I applied and was hired as the president. I stayed for a total of 22 years. 

After retirement I was free to work on different projects in El Paso, mostly working with our Community members washing, drying, folding towels and blankets for the incoming asylum seekers. It doesn’t sound like much but it is one of the few pleasures we are able to offer these wonderful people who have been through so very much on their journeys. I became a CASA volunteer, which I had to give up after my life changed a bit. At the Loretto Community in El Paso, we try to reach out and have social gatherings for the women religious.

In September 2024, I began a new journey with Loretto. This is another position I “applied for” but was sure I would not be selected. However, here I am, and here we are.

As I reflect on my life in Loretto all I can say is “I am blessed.” Please pray for me.


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