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Pakistan Update — You’ve Got Mail!

Posted on September 4, 2024, by Claudia Calzetta SL

Three young Pakistani women in their 20s and 30s standing together smiling for a photo.
From left, Saima, Maribah and Shaista. Photo by Claudia Calzetta.

Hello Loretto,

Back from Chicago and want you all to know the latest about Maribah, Saima and Shaista. 

The trip was wonderful and all are fully immersed in their new programs at Catholic Theological Union (CTU) and InterCongregational Collaborative Novitiate (ICCN). Pictures tell a thousand words and included are several for you to see. 

Saima and Shaista are settled in with four other women — all wonderful women and so eager to begin this year and their course at CTU when courses begin on Monday, Sept 9. Adrian Dominicans, Our lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati and Sisters of St. Francis, Tiffin, Ohio are other novice congregations. 

A group of women of various ages and races smile for a photo in front of a crucifix. They are holding small green plants.
At blessing and welcome ceremony, novices and directors.
Photo courtesy of Claudia Calzetta SL
Five women stand in a row smiling at the camera together. There are three African women, one Pakistani woman and one white woman.
Participants from the Together Program in Chicago including Sister Maribah Ishaq SL (far left). Photo used with permission from Religious Formation Conference.

Maribah will also begin her Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies program on Sept. 9 and lives now with three women from three African countries. Intercultural at its best! Maribah lives right around the block from Saima and Shaista — only a four minute walk!

Directors Nancy Gerth SCN and Corrina Thomas FSPA are two of the most brilliant, competent, kind and compassionate women I have ever known. We are so fortunate to have these directors for our two new novices. 

Let us all continue to pray for Saima and Shaista’s discernment year and for academic success for Maribah. The more I get to know them, the more I realize what a privilege it is to know them, love them and support their hopes and dreams for a meaningful and solid religious life. 

With a grateful heart,

Claudia Calzetta SL


Claudia Calzetta SL

Claudia (she/her) is a Sister of Loretto and has spent many years in varied forms of education — teacher, administrator and campus minister at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. She also spent six years as the Loretto Volunteer part-time coordinator in St. Louis. Claudia retired for approximately one year and recently has returned to this position. She loves gardening, traveling and baking French tarts and pies. She raises funds for Annunciation House in El Paso by selling her delicious desserts. Contact Claudia for more info.
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