

For more than 40 years, Loretto Co-members have enriched the life of Loretto. Their presence is reflected in relationships, service on committees, financial support and participating in the many missions of Loretto. Learn more about the Co-Members of Loretto.

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Update on the Loretto Investment Committee

By Loretto Community / September 27, 2023 /
A cover crop of buckwheat, green leaves with white petals shown on a sunny day.

By Kathy Wright CoL One of the Loretto Investment Committee’s long-standing works has been impact investments and loans to non-profits whose work is closely aligned with Loretto values and priorities.…

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Loretto Community 2023 Jubilarians

By Loretto Community / September 22, 2023 /
A woman with metal framed glasses and white hair wearing stud silver earrings giving a soft smile not looking at the camera. She is wearing a blue shirt with a lanyard that has the word "Loretto" repeating.

We honor all our 2023 Loretto Jubilarians, including these individuals celebrating major milestones. To read all the articles in the Fall 2023 issue of Loretto Magazine, click here.

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Reaching Out in Love to Ghana’s Rural Poor: The FST Rural Ministry

By Loretto Community / September 20, 2023 /
Young FST sisters smiling wearing green squiggly Trinity cloth, which forms part of a habit.

By Sister Frances Emily Owusu-Ansah CoL One of the ways through which we, the Daughters of the Most Holy Trinity (also known as FST sisters), share God’s love with the…

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Rosie Casey represents Loretto at the UN at Peace Boat Blue Innovation Reception

By Loretto Community / September 6, 2023 /
Woman stands next to a large framed poster in Japanese and English entitled "Towards a nuclear-free world"

Peace Boat is an international NGO that creates and implements global educational and advocacy voyages for peace and sustainability. On a visit to the port of Honolulu on September 2-3,…

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‘Taking the light of the sun’: Loretto women of wisdom

By Loretto Community / September 5, 2023 /
Black and white photo of a crucifix in the foreground lit by light from tall church windows behind it.

Looking for some wisdom? Reading what some of our longtime Loretto members have to say may help put you on a path to your own North Star. This week on…

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Loretto Heights College reunion a grand affair

By Mary Nelle Gage SL / September 1, 2023 /
Six women standing and smiling together for a group picture outdoors on a sunny day in front o a green grass field and a dark green lamp post. They are all wearing nice dress clothing, and two women are wearing matching green lanyards with a white card on the end.

The Loretto Heights College all-class reunion was held July 14-15 in Denver, organized by the Spirit of Loretto Committee comprised of LHC alumni from numerous years. The first day on…

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Jemez Pueblo Food Pantry

By Mary Ann McGivern SL / August 30, 2023 /
a box of canned and boxed pantry food

Loretto Co-member Karen Knoll manages a food pantry on the Jemez Pueblo in New Mexico. She purchases about $450 worth of food each month, enough for 15 boxes for seniors.…

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Empowered to do God’s work – Stories of ‘good news’

By Loretto Community / July 17, 2023 /

No one comes to work in a job or even a task that they love to be praised. But there are Loretto members, past and present, whose ministry or service…

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Loretto Magazine stories celebrate Loretto people, places, events!

By Loretto Community / July 10, 2023 /
Loretto Magazine logo in the top left corner; Summary text reads: "Inside... Ann Manganero SL, MD: Her life and poetry Conserving land at the Motherhouse in Kentucky Responding to Earth's cry Helping Haiti ... and more" Photo in the middle is of a woman doctor examining a smiling baby who is being held by a young Latina woman.

The joy of writing in a magazine about people and places and stories of old is an act of love. It is creative and challenging. It is communicative of a…

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Running in A Field of Her Own at 92 Years Old with Magdalena McCloskey

By Loretto Community / July 7, 2023 /
Image for podcast shows Magdalena McCloskey smiling for the camera. Title text on the photo reads"Magdelena McClosky: Running in a Field of Her Own at 92 Years Old (Episode #68)

This interview originally appeared in the Vision Beyond Sight podcast on July 5, 2023. Magdalena McCloskey, long-time Loretto co-member, “educator, former nun, and player of the senior women’s softball club…

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Congratulations Loretto’s Newest Co-Members

By Lisa Reynolds CoL / July 1, 2023 /
Woman with mid length hair and glasses smiles for a selfie.

Welcome to our newest co-members, Theresa Miller and Pam Morgan! Theresa and Pam were accepted into co-membership on June 5, 2023. They are well known in the Community: Pam lives…

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Spotlight on Loretto Wisdom Women – July 2023

By Loretto Community / July 1, 2023 /
Short haired woman wearing glasses, a red shirt and navy blue jacket smiles for a picture while using a microphone.

Editor’s note: We are featuring interviews of Loretto Community elders. We are grateful to these wise women and to Joy Jensen for sharing wonderful snapshots of our beloved Community members.…

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