

As Friends of Mary at the Foot of the Cross, we are called to care for Earth in its pain, to celebrate its beauty, and to create space for its healing. Recognizing our role as one of interdependent partnership with all Creation has been part of Loretto’s mission throughout our history. We reaffirmed our commitment to resist systems and conditions that violate Earth and all species in 2018, calling ourselves to “significantly mitigate our impact on climate change and ecological degradation.” We invite any who are interested to join with us on this journey of ecological conversion. Learn more about our mission to protect Earth.

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Loretto Earth Network News – Spring 2018

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2018 /
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Mission: Motherhouse Land Contributes to Climate Solutions

By Susan Classen CoL / March 1, 2018 /
A picture looking up a tall tree with orange leaves surrounded by trees with green and yellow leaves signifies the beginning of fall.

I am intrigued by what I am learning about the role of land in mitigating climate change. Actually, challenged would be more accurate. I have been actively involved in fighting…

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Simple Beauty Enhances First Green Burial at Motherhouse

By Sister Anndavid Naeger SL / February 1, 2018 /
A priest blessing a corpse before it is lowered into it's grave in a wooded forest with numerous attendees surrounding the ceremony wearing big coats.

In a November 2016 article for Interchange, Cecily Jones wrote, “… interest in a natural burial (formaldehyde-free preparation of the body; a biodegradable coffin or container; perhaps only a shroud)…

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Loretto Earth Network News – Winter 2017

By Loretto Community / December 1, 2017 /
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Anti-fracking Nuns? Not Again!

By Loretto Community / September 1, 2017 /
A small crowd of people watching two people speak on a small outdoor stage in front of a tall grass field.

By Theresa Kubasak Google “anti-fracking nuns” and a marvelous YouTube video will appear featuring 21 women from Loretto singing “Amazing Grace.” It is almost legend how we stopped Williams Co.…

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Roberta Hudlow Marches for Mother Earth

By Loretto Community / June 1, 2017 /
A woman with a large sign smiling at a protest for saving the Earth on a rainy day.
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Loretto Earth Network News – Spring 2017

By Loretto Community / March 9, 2017 /

Check out the newest issue of LENN below!

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Hugging Mother Nature

By Loretto Community / December 1, 2016 /
Four women smiling and posing while hugging a lush tree.
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Loretto Celebrates 20 Years of ‘Untiring Support’ for EarthLinks

By Cathy Mueller SL / December 1, 2016 /
An award being presented at a ceremony with a diverse group of individuals celebrating a collective anniversary.

“One touch of Nature makes the whole world kin.” – John Muir In 1995, when Bette Ann Jaster OP and I were at a Loretto Earth Network retreat in Santa…

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Could Loretto’s Mission Extend to a Woodland Burial Place?

By Loretto Community / November 1, 2016 /
Sunlit woods.

By Cecily Jones Could the desire of some Loretto Community members for a nature (“green”) burial in the Motherhouse woods develop into a new aspect of Loretto’s mission of reaching…

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LEN Retreat — Saving the Planet Bit by Bit

By Loretto Community / October 1, 2016 /
Women working and conversing together across a table for registration.

By Cathy Hartrich (Editor’s Note: Cathy Hartrich is a member of Loretto Circle, St. Louis, and serves as chairwoman of the theology department at Nerinx Hall High School.) What an…

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I Love Mountains Day 2014

By Loretto Community / February 24, 2014 /

By Molly Butler Interchange Online Loretto rallied among the hundreds of Earth-loving Kentuckians and friends that mobilized on February 12th for the ninth annual “I Love Mountains Day.” It was…

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Cupola Cross 2-Icon

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