
Global Loretto

Uganda, France, England, Haiti, the Netherlands, Bolivia, Nicaragua – places in the world where Loretto learns, serves and carries its mission forward. We also partner with two Sister Communities abroad, the Holy Family Sisters in Guatemala and the Daughters of the Most Blessed Trinity in Ghana. Learn more about our mission to reach out beyond boundaries.

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Help for Haiti

By Kathy Wright SL / June 19, 2023 /

I made my first trip to Haiti with Fonkoze USA in 2002. Loretto had been involved with Fonkoze through loans to its loan fund. Haitians’ faith, hope and perseverance under…

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‘Ti Pa, Ti Pa Na Rive!’ Little by Little, We Will Continue! Resourceful Haitians Put One Foot in Front of the Other

By Christina Manweller / June 19, 2023 /
A black and white image of a large group of people in head dresses smiling around a banner in a house that reads, "Ti pa, ti pa na rive!" Little by little, we will continue.

By Christina Manweller with Barbara Wander CoL The Little Sisters have 42 missions across Haiti that include schools, clinics, hospitals, orphanages, centers for the elderly, agriculture centers and professional centers.…

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Visiting Loretto in Pakistan

By Loretto Community / June 19, 2023 /
A short-haired woman in a blue shall stands holding hands with young school children outside on a sunny day.

Anna Koop SL and Mary Ann McGivern SL recently visited the Loretto Community in Pakistan for seven weeks. Anna and Mary Ann wrote colorful and informative missives to keep the…

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Loretto Members Worldwide Respond to Climate Change Crisis

By Loretto Community / March 6, 2023 /
A large group of people pose for a group photo, with a crucifix visible in the background and the center person holding a plaque with the header "Bluegrass Land Conservancy."

Climate change is a global problem with grave implications: environmental, social, economic, political and for the distribution of goods. It represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our…

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Loretto in Bolivia: Planting seeds for compassionate change

By Christina Manweller / July 1, 2022 /
Archival photo of a three story building with gabeled wings at both ends of the building.

“We are in the city of La Paz, Bolivia, in a beautiful valley with an imposing mountain, the Illimani, which is the guardian of the city and at the same…

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Carrying seeds of love to Peru & Chile

By Loretto Community / June 30, 2022 /
A nun in habit poses for a photo with a Chilean family in this archival photo

In 1964, two years after Colegio Loretto opened in La Paz, Bolivia, a Loretto house opened in Tacna, a city in the Andean foothills of southern Peru. In these photos,…

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50 years later: ‘The seeds have grown into strong, tall trees …’

By Loretto Community / June 30, 2022 /
Black and white photo of an elementary school class photo

We are daughters of Colegio Loretto; the seeds you planted in us are multiplying in our sons and daughters and our grandsons and granddaughters. From a presentation prepared by the…

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Loretto Sisters Communities: Beyond the Boundaries of Our Hearts

By Loretto Community / October 18, 2021 /

In 1998 Loretto’s heart was enlarged as we entered into two new relationships. Our heart was broken open to the Daughters of the Most Blessed Trinity (FST) in Ghana, as…

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Loretto Builds Bridges in Service Worldwide

By Loretto Community / May 17, 2021 /
Archival class photo from China, with Sisters of Loretto, in habit, in the center.

A true understanding of community necessitates a looking outward, “a going forth to meet our neighbors near and far in their human needs and aspirations. We seek to reach out…

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Go into the world: Sisters find common ground with people of other religions

By Loretto Community / January 25, 2021 /

Published by the Global Sisters Report on January 25, 2021 Sr. Nasreen Daniel was a panelist for the Global Sisters Report in their The Life feature series. Sr. Maria Daniel…

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Sr. Grace Clare Shanley in China

By Susanna Pyatt / January 8, 2021 /

We have two interesting artifacts at the Heritage Center that nearly bookend the 15 years that Sister Grace Clare Shanley, SL, spent serving in China. The first is a small…

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Loretto Sister Communities: Beyond the Boundaries of Our Hearts

By Loretto Community / October 19, 2020 /

“Rejoicing in and strengthened by our mutual love, we go forth to meet our farther neighbors in their human needs and aspirations. We seek to reach out beyond boundaries imposed…

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