
Global Loretto

Uganda, France, England, Haiti, the Netherlands, Bolivia, Nicaragua – places in the world where Loretto learns, serves and carries its mission forward. We also partner with two Sister Communities abroad, the Holy Family Sisters in Guatemala and the Daughters of the Most Blessed Trinity in Ghana. Learn more about our mission to reach out beyond boundaries.

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GSR Reprint: Q & A with Sr. Anna Koop

By Loretto Community / June 1, 2020 /
A woman with short grey hair, wearing a red sweater and blue jeans sitting on a couch in a living room looking out the window candidly.

Editor’s note: When the Global Sisters Report produced a series on women religious working with those who are homeless or living in substandard housing, they could not have chosen a…

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Loretto Follows Gospel Call of Service to Others Around the World

By Loretto Community / May 17, 2020 /
A graphic symbolizing community and connection. A blue and green world graphic with different colored hands surrounding it on a black background.

“As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.”  John: 17:18 Loretto serves throughout the United States and in Lahore, Pakistan, with partnerships in Ghana…

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Bringing the Healing Spirit of God

By Loretto Community / May 1, 2020 /
A woman, Mary Ann Gleason, with short grey hair, glasses, and a pink shirt smiling brightly while embracing her friend from Uganda indoors. The friend is a young female cancer patient with a shaved head wearing cultural yellow and purple clothing.

The following article came from Mary Ann Gleason. It was sent April 4 to Jean Schildz at Jean’s request for submission to The Record, the Catholic newspaper for the Louisville…

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A First-hand Report From Wuhan

By Anna Koop SL / March 1, 2020 /
A religious vow ceremony crowd standing inside a church. Mostly nuns, with some men wearing white button-up shirts they're all reading white paper booklets.

(Editor’s Note: Anna Koop shares with Interchange the following background and letter from Sr. Clara Zhang who lives in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, where the new Coronavirus was first discovered…

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2020 An Important Year for Loretto at the UN

By Loretto Community / February 1, 2020 /
Three women smiling together for a group picture at an indoor social event.

Beth Blissman reports that Loretto at the UN wrapped up 2019 by welcoming Sister Mary Akuoku FST from Ghana for a brief, yet enjoyable visit. The United Nations turned 75…

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Bonjour Delayed

By Mary Louise Denny SL / November 1, 2019 /
A group picture indoors of three tall men with dark skin complexions, and two shorter women with lighter skin complexions.

1973, Saigon, Vietnam, New Haven Nursery  A newborn, male, was dropped off at New Haven Nursery. Susan Carol McDonald was the director/nurse at New Haven. She logged the baby into…

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Teaching English at the Belga School in Guatemala City, Guatemala

By Kathy Wright SL / November 1, 2019 /
A woman smiling brightly with a large group of young children outdoors.

For three weeks this past July I worked with the seven English teachers at the Belga School in Guatemala City, taught some of the English classes and helped the faculty…

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Holy Family Holds Elections

By Loretto Community / September 1, 2019 /

Dema Alfaro, Lucina Mansilla, Dora Garcia and Albina Gaspar were elected to the Holy Family General Council. Loretto sends its prayers and congratulations to these fine women.

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Hunger Fund Distributions for 2018

By Loretto Community / February 1, 2019 /

The Hunger Fund, established in 1974, is a fund to which Community members and friends make contributions. These contributions often consist of small donations gleaned from recycling cans, dog or…

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Recovery as a Way of Life

By Loretto Community / December 1, 2018 /
A nun wearing a blue dress and headdress displaying a destroyed building following an earthquake.

By Barbara Wander “Oh no! Not again.” This was my immediate reaction when I found out that another earthquake had hit Haiti the night of Oct. 6. I had been…

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Providing Health Care In Uganda

By Loretto Community / December 1, 2018 /
A young girl orphan who is malnourished with medical supplies and tubes taped to her chest. She is standing tall and smiling brightly.

By Mary Ann Gleason Her name is Juliette. She is a 14-year-old orphan, malnourished secondary to vomiting whatever she eats or drinks because of a stricture in her esophagus. She…

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Courage in Conflict

By Loretto Community / November 21, 2018 /

The booklet “Courage in Conflict: The Righteous Among Us” was created by the St. Louis Archdiocese’s Office of Consecrated Life. It was distributed at the Nov. 14 presentation on the…

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