
Loretto Roots Project

Loretto Community condemns racism and systemic oppression in all forms.

The Community is working to understand our complicity in systemic racism. We can better atone and change by knowing the truths of our past.

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Bound for the Promised Land: Loretto Roots and Enslavement

By Annie Stevens CoL / January 24, 2024 /
Carved faces on a bronze plate mark the Slave Memorial at the Loretto Motherhouse.

For the first five decades of its existence in the antebellum South, the Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross, as an early American religious congregation, participated in…

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Loretto ROOTS: Native American Boarding Schools

By Rhonda Fore / December 1, 2022 /
Archival photo of large two story building with a balcony running the entire length of the second floor. A habited nun is standing in front of the building, next to a clothesline.

In December 2021, Loretto President Barbara Nicholas established a one-year research project, open to extension, on “the work in education that the sisters provided among Indigenous people” in the 19th…

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Loretto ROOTS: Native American Boarding Schools

By Libby Comeaux CoL / December 1, 2022 /
Archival photo of large two story building with a balcony running the entire length of the second floor. A habited nun is standing in front of the building, next to a clothesline.

In December 2021, Loretto President Barbara Nicholas established a one-year research project, open to extension, on “the work in education that the sisters provided among Indigenous people” in the 19th…

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Loretto Roots: Loretto’s Involvement with Enslaved Persons and Educating Indigenous Children

By Loretto Community / July 26, 2022 /
Colorful banner featuring these words from Unamuno's quote "to remain silent is to lie." Banner by Robert Strobridge CoL

We cannot go back, we can only go forward,in a cyclical manner.” Kylan Jacobs, Osage Nation Loretto President Barbara Nicholas SL assigned Annie Stevens SL and Libby Comeaux CoL a…

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