
Midweek Mission Messages

Midweek Mission Messages are articles highlighting different mission focuses and/or issues that Loretto is committed to addressing. Go here to sign up for the weekly Midweek Mission Message emails.

‘Operation Sacred Rescue’: Remains of 62 Loretto Sisters from Loretto Heights Cemetery Reinterred

By Loretto Community / August 24, 2022 /
Amidst rows of wooden caskets, a woman bends down to lay a flower on top of one.

“I just needed to tell you how truly reverent, respectful and joyful was the relocation ceremony of the good sisters at Mt. Olivet. Many more people will visit Mt. Olivet…

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Hiroshima: A Peace Committee Call for a Community Read

By Mary Ann McGivern SL / August 10, 2022 /

In 1946 The New Yorker devoted an entire edition to publishing John Hersey’s “Hiroshima.” Hersey reported on six residents. They were there in the city and, by turns of fate,…

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Let’s Talk about Nukes

By Karel Disponett CoL / August 3, 2022 /
a banner that says "Remove Nukes from Dangerous Hands"

August 6 marks the 77th anniversary of the dropping of a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima by the United States. According to Alliance for Science, “A total of 140,000 people in Hiroshima and…

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The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement

By Kim Klein CoL / July 13, 2022 /

“A land without a people for a people without a land” is a common phrase associated with the Zionist movement to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine during the 19th and 20th…

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Supreme Court’s Majority Makes it Easier to Carry a Gun

By Kim Klein CoL / July 6, 2022 /

“As a nun, I’m expected to offer thoughts and prayers, and indeed I do. But that’s not enough. We must rise up and take action together to stop this violence.…

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Loretto Marches with the Poor People’s Campaign

By Loretto Community / June 22, 2022 /
A collage with yellow, orange a red striped sunset background with an outline of people marching layered on top.

“Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.” Micah 6:8 The Poor People’s Campaign (PPC) is a community of faith that hopes to counter narratives of exclusion. Loretto Link’s Good…

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Nuclear Ban Week in Vienna

By Mary Ann McGivern SL / June 15, 2022 /
A pink banner with a white dove in the middle has blue lettering around it saying "Lorettos for Disarmament"

It’s finally happening, the first Meeting of States Parties to the U.N. Ban Treaty! Eighty-six countries have signed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and 61 states have ratified it!…

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