

The goal of the Outreach Team is to support and strengthen our Loretto relationships within the Community and with others who share our values. We will work toward this goal by creating and supporting opportunities and strategies to share our legacy, spirituality, community, and shared commitment to peace and justice with individuals and allied groups, both within and beyond the Loretto Community.
– Outreach Mission Statement, 2016

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Loretto in Motion: Who We Are and What We Have Done

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2017 /

From the Outreach and Co-membership Teams The Outreach and Co-membership Teams have just completed a compiling a study guide which combines readings from Naming Our Truth and A Century of…

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2016 Snowmass Retreat Emphasizes Importance of Community

By Loretto Community / November 1, 2016 /
Double rainbow over a mountain landscape.

By Julie Popham (Editor’s Note: This was the second retreat sponsored by the Outreach Team in an effort to bring together vowed and co-members of the Loretto Community, co-members-in-process and…

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Loretto Circles Keep on Rolling

By Loretto Community / September 1, 2016 /
Three women standing and smiling together for a photo indoors.

By the Loretto Outreach Team It is almost a year since the first Loretto Circle at Nerinx Hall High School in St. Louis got under way. Since then school faculty…

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