

Each member of the Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross is “co-responsible for creating a community which is beneficial for all; for maturing in adult faith and effective ministry,..; and for making use of opportunities which add new depth to our formation in Christ.” Learn more about the Sisters of Loretto.

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Public Lenten prayer service held in Louisville for Peace in Palestine, Israel

By Loretto Community / March 4, 2024 /

Published by the Courier Journal on February 28, 2024 More than 50 people came to the Federal Courthouse for a Lenten Prayer for Peace in Palestine and Israel on Wednesday,…

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A lifelong dream comes true

By Eleanor Craig SL / March 1, 2024 /
A black and white headshot picture of a woman with short, light-colored hair and oval-framed glasses smiling brightly wearing a white and floral patterned shirt in front of a plain background.

It was Aug. 15, 1980, and a novice was pronouncing her first vows at Loretto Motherhouse as so many had done before her, except … the ceremony was held in…

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Loretto pioneers of education in the West

By Loretto Community / February 20, 2024 /
Sepia toned photo of a college building surrounded by trees. A Celtic cross graces the building's tower.

Loretto Heights College The bodies of 62 Sisters of Loretto who had been buried in the cemetery at Loretto Heights College in Denver were moved to a new resting place…

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Leadership of Loretto presidents guides Community ever forward

By Loretto Community / February 19, 2024 /
Five recent Loretto presidents pose for a photo.

Hurray! Congratulations! Thank you! In every Election Assembly that Loretto experiences, applause and cheers ring out following the election of a president. The work of the Holy Spirit woven into…

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Pauline (formerly Sister Mary Agnesetta) Albin SL

By Eleanor Craig SL / February 18, 2024 /

Loretto Sister Pauline (formerly Sister Mary Agnesetta) Albin died Feb. 18 at the Loretto Living Center in Nerinx, Ky. Pauline had been accompanied by many Community members in her final…

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A Loretto mindset: Young at heart!

By Loretto Community / January 1, 2024 /
Shadows of three camels and their riders stretch across the desert sand.

To start out the new year, Loretto asked members the following: Whom do you think of within Loretto when you hear the phrase “young at heart?” Follow us on Facebook…

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NCR’s Newsmaker of 2023: Jeannine Gramick, tireless advocate for LGBTQ Catholics

By Loretto Community / December 15, 2023 /

Originally published by National Catholic Reporter on December 14, 2023 [O]ver the past five decades of American Catholic experience, perhaps no single person has had the kind of impact for…

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Marveling at the courage of LGBTQ advocates

By Loretto Community / December 12, 2023 /

Originally posted by the Global Sisters Report on December 11, 2023. Some of the nicest surprises of my “life in retirement” are chance encounters with sisters I met through Global…

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Remembrance of the Life of Sister Guadalupe ‘Lupe’ (formerly Sister Mary Aloysius) Arciniega SL

By Eleanor Craig SL / November 10, 2023 /

Lupe started her ministry many years ago as a teacher and had educated people in many more ways than in the classroom. Over the course of nearly 69 years as a…

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Montgomery Catholic celebrates 150 years of excellence

By Loretto Community / November 7, 2023 /

Originally published by the Archdiocese of Mobile in their bi-weekly newsletter The Catholic Week Digest on October 16, 2023 An unimaginable trek by the Sisters of Loretto in 1873 sure…

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All Saints & All Souls: Honoring, Remembering Those Who Have Gone Before Us

By Loretto Community / October 30, 2023 /
An angel and a cross are profiled in front of the setting sun.

Do you keep those holy card remembrances of family and friends who have died? This week, which includes the celebration of  the feasts of All Saints and All Souls, is…

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Honoring Sister Susan Carol McDonald

By Loretto Community / October 25, 2023 /
Four people smiling for a group photo, two women on the left and two men on the right.

Last month, Sister Mary Nelle Gage attended a ceremony at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Akron, Colo., in honor of the late Sister Susan Carol McDonald. St. Joseph’s dedicated a…

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