
Spiritual Reflections

These are reflections given by Loretto members at a variety of services.

Reflection: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Eileen Custy SL / February 16, 2020 /

Bishop John Shelby Spong, an Episcopalian bishop, tells of an incident he  encountered one Sunday morning. He had gone to visit one of the parishes in his jurisdiction. There were…

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Reflection: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Elaine Prevallet SL / February 9, 2020 /
Banner designed by Robert Strobridge with starburst and phrase "Be Light Into Darkness."

In today’s readings, words of our Scriptures allow us to focus on two images, one from the prophet Isaiah, and, centuries later, the other from Jesus. Light and salt. It’s…

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Reflection: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

By Sue Rogers SL / January 26, 2020 /

As I look back at the last two years of my life, I’m acutely aware that sometimes our lives are radically turned upside down.  Sometimes I’m amazed at the ways…

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Reflection: The Baptism of the Lord

By Kathy Wright SL / January 12, 2020 /

In the first reading from Isaiah we have a precursor to the Gospel. The reading quotes God as saying, “Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with…

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Reflection: Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord

By Maureen McCormack SL / January 5, 2020 /

Just a week and one-half ago, we celebrated Christmas — the birth of Christ, our Savior. Now the news of Christ’s birth was beginning to spread from the tiny town…

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Reflection: Feast of the Holy Family

By Eleanor Craig SL / December 29, 2019 /

This morning we continue our Christmas celebrations with a feast focused on the family. That makes a lot of sense, because the Christmas child has been given to us in…

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Reflection: Christmas Eve

By Eileen Custy SL / December 24, 2019 /

Who are you, God? The people of the Old Testament asked. God replied: “I AM.”  “I AM WHO I AM.”  “Yahweh” I am the source of all life from electrons…

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Reflection: Fourth Sunday of Advent

By Agnes Ann Schum SL / December 22, 2019 /

As we come to the end of the liturgical season of Advent, the prophet Isaiah introduces us to Ahaz, the King of Judah.  Ahaz had become king at the young…

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Reflection: Feast of the Immaculate Conception

By Mary Swain SL / December 9, 2019 /

For a long time it has seemed to me that we here at the Motherhouse think of today’s feast as December 8, a feast of Mary, a jubilee day, long ago…

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Reflection: Second Sunday of Advent

By Elaine Prevallet SL / December 8, 2019 /

   Today’s readings are a beautiful, powerful, appropriate challenge to begin our  Advent season. Today we hear promise of a Savior – one who embodies a Spirit of wisdom and…

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Reflection: First Sunday of Advent

By Kathy Wright SL / December 1, 2019 /

I recall one Thanksgiving weekend at my sister’s house when her children were about 4 and 6 years old. On the Friday after Thanksgiving the family tradition was not to…

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